Why choose a solar electric system?

There are many reasons why homeowners go solar, but improving the environment and cutting energy costs are the most common. Many people are aware that solar is a great home efficiency upgrade and are eager to reduce their carbon footprint while also improving property value.


Here are a number of reasons to consider installing a solar electric system:

  • Where there is no other source of electrical power available, or where the cost of installing conventional electrical power is too high.
  • Where other sources of electrical power are not reliable. For example, when power cuts are an issue and a solar system can act as a cost-effective contingency.
  • When a solar electric system is the most convenient and safest option. For example, installing low voltage solar lighting in a garden or providing courtesy lighting in a remote location.
  • You can become entirely self sufficient with your own electrical power.
  • Once installed, solar power provides virtually free power without damaging the environment.

What is solar energy? and Why is it useful?

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