what exactly is a Smart City?

A smart city is one that makes use of ICT to enhance the effectiveness of its operations, the flow of information to the general populace, and the standard of government services and citizen welfare.

The primary objective of a "smart city" is to enhance the quality of life for its residents by the application of cutting-edge technological solutions and analytical rigour to municipal operations. In contrast to the quantity of accessible technology, the quality of its application is what really matters.

A set of characteristics, such as:

  • A technologically-driven infrastructure
  • Environmental programmes
  • Public transportation that is efficient and highly functional
  • Confident and forward-looking city planning
  • People who can live and work within the city and utilise its resources.

The success of a smart city depends on the partnership between the public and private sectors, as the majority of the effort required to establish and maintain a data-driven environment falls outside the purview of local government. For instance, intelligent surveillance cameras may necessitate the contributions and technologies of multiple companies.

In addition to the technology utilised by a smart city, data analysts are required to evaluate the information produced by the smart city systems so that any problems may be handled and improvements can be made.

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